Hawkeye Pierce Stencil

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Bird Imitations, stencil with watercolor embellishments, 2015

A stencil I recently revisited. I first made it late last year as a t-shirt. I made one proof of it before on cheap paper, but now I’ve dusted it off and am doing another run with nicer paint and on better paper. My mom suggested I add some color, so I’ve done watercolor embellishments. It really took it from just a cool t-shirt design, to something a lot more appealing to look at (shout-out to mom. couldn’t have done it with out you!). 

For any one (or should I say either one) of you who doesn’t know; this image is Hawkeye from the TV series M*A*S*H. My favorite show of all time. More specifically this is from one of my favorite episodes, where Hawkeye tells a joke “possibly the world’s funniest clean joke” as he says. The punchline of which is “that’s all you do: bird immitations?”. The joke isn’t really very funny, but we’re a MASH family and it’s a running joke with us.

I’m thinking of mailing one of the prints to Alan Alda (who played Hawkeye)…he probably would never see it, but you never know.