week 1

Inktober Week One

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I’m doing a drawing challenge this month: “Inktober” the challenge is to do a new drawing in ink every day of October. At the end of each week I’ll post the new drawings from that week. Here’s week one


October 7th

A drawing of Audrey Hepburn and her pet deer Pippin

Based on this photograph.

A lot of people don’t know that I’m a big fan of Audrey Hepburn. This drawing didn’t turn out the way I wanted, so I’m going to try it again next week, but I wanted to mix it up and draw something other than buildings for a change. I rarely draw people because I’m not very good at it.

October 6th

A lamp at Suzallo Library.

October 5th

Some hand studdies. Used reference photographs from the internet.

October 4th

I also added watercolor embelishments to this drawing afterwards.

October 3rd

The University of Washington Fountain (it has another name, but I can’t remember it).

In-progress shot.

October 2nd.

October 1st

Gas works park in Seattle.

I later added some watercolor Embelishments.

Thanks for reading, check back next week for Week Two.